Financial Modeling

We think of models and simulations as a compass to guide decision making.


Financial Modeling

aiquants help organizations in developing risk and pricing models (prototypes) that evaluate market, credit and liquidity risk exposures.

We define Risk as: the possibility of P&L being different from what is expected or anticipated; risk is randomness measured by the distribution of future P&L (Thomas S Coleman).

We mostly focus on market, credit and liqudity risks simply because they are the most amenable to mathematical analysis.

Financial modeling services include:
  • Development of credit, liquidity and market risk models: Volatility and VaR
    • Historical VaR
    • Monte Carlo VaR
    • Parametric VaR
    • Expected shortfall / stressed VaR

  • Development of derivative pricing models including:
    • Black-Scholes
    • Monte Carlo
    • Finite difference
    • Longstaff-Schwartz
    • Greeks sensitivity analysis

  • Model Validation
    • Sensitivity
    • Stress testing

  • Designing mathematical algorithms for trading in Python
  • aiquants Research (Machine Learning in algotrading)